Je bent hier: Evenementen / Julia for ∀ll

Technology Event

T: +31 (0)88 862 20 00

Taal: English
Datum: 01 Jun 2023
Tijd: 17:30 - 21:00
Toegangsprijs: Free


HTC 96

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There are many passionate and curious people about Julia in the Eindhoven region but sometimes we feel alone and don't know each other. This meetup will aim to bring us together by having technical talks for technical people... no sales, no marketing, no recruiting ... just technical talks with some code. The theme for this meetup is Julia for All, as we will have speakers sharing their journey in adopting Julia. If this sounds interesting sign-up and bring your friends.

And yes, there will be some free food and drinks.

17:30 – Doors open
18:00 – Welcome by JuliaEindhoven organizers
18:05 – Welcome by TMC host
18:15 – Myrthe Scheepers (ASML) – Breaking down barriers for Julia beginners
18:45 – Dinner
19:30 – Gareth Thomas (VersionBay) – MATLAB |> Julia
20:00 – Tom Lemmens (Sioux Technologies) – Need-to-have development packages
20:30 – Networking and drinks

Title: Breaking down barriers for Julia beginners
Short Description: Getting started with Julia at your work can be a challenging task. In this talk I share the steps I took as a beginner to overcome these barriers. I will explain what really helped me and where I struggled. I hope the lessons I learned can help others get started too with Julia.

Title: MATLAB |> Julia
Short Description:
In this talk I will walk through 4 different practical examples of using Julia and share some of the things that caught my attention coming from MATLAB. The talk will go through the 4 projects I used to get my hands dirty with Julia.

  • 2D and 3D plotting
  • Reading external files and working with tables
  • Step Response of a Control System
  • Testing and developing a Julia Package

Main packages used/highlighted in the talk: Plots.jlPluto.jlControlSystems.jlTestItemRunner.jlDataFrames.jlDocumenter.jlRevise.jlMakie.jlPkgTemplates.jlLuxor.jl
Company: VersionBay

Title: Need-to-have development packages
Short Description:
When comparisons are made between Julia and other programming languages, a point of comparison that often comes up is the quality of the IDEs for each language. Nowadays, pretty much all the mainstream programming languages have very polished and efficient IDEs. A large part of what these IDEs do are tricks and automations to make the experience of developing in a language as easy and smooth as possible. Julia admittedly has some way to go there but, we are rapidly catching up with the decades of head start that the other languages have. Luckily, there are some Julia packages right now that can help bridge the gap. What are these packages? Well, I’m not telling you in this abstract! Join us, and I will show you how you can upgrade your Julia development experience.

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